This appetizer is a salty sweet bite that is fun for every occasion. The best part is that its very simple to make, which saves you some time in the kitchen as you are trying to rush out the door to the next holiday event, family party or gals get together. Consider bringing this as a delicious appetizer to impress all your friends.
*Pairs nicely with a Red Cabernet-Sauvignon wine.
Image below is all ingredients needed:

Final cooked Bites w/ #cookingwkara

3 Simple, Salty/ Sweet ingredients, with a warm and savory taste
Brie & Fig Jam Bite
>1 Wheel of #PRESIDENT Brie
> 1 Jar of #FigCocoaSpreadDalmatia, approximately 1/4 cup total,
& 1 teaspoon of fig jam per phyllo cup
>2 boxes of phyllo shells (I like to use #athensphylloshells)
General directions:
1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2) Cut the Brie wheel into little cubed pieces (I try to cut off the outside as much as possible) and place them in the phyllo cup shells
3) Use approximately 1 teaspoon of Fig Coco Spread Dalmatia in each individual phyllo cup
4) Place Brie & Fig Jam Bites on a cookie sheet in the oven for approximately 10 minutes or until brie is melted through
5) Take the bites out of the oven and let them cool for approximately 2-3 minutes & #Voila Enjoy these salty/sweet savory bites! Brought to you by #cookingwkara