Saturday, April 11th
11am EST / 8am PST
**$5 from every ticket will be donated to Heading Home's COVID19 Relief Fund**
It's time to take B*tches Brunch online! Join us for a virtual morning of sweat, food, & cocktails for a good cause!
- 30 min. live workout w/ Brittany Sousa
- 30 min. live cooking demo w/ me! Cooking.w.Kara
- Zoom cocktail toast & chat
Event will be held via a private Facebook group! Once you register, access to the group will be sent to you via email.
* Please note, you can always access these videos on the private facebook group, even after the live event! So no sweat, if the timeframe does not work*
If you'd like to donate additional funds or find out more about Heading Home & their support mission, find info here:https://www.headinghomeinc.org/covid-19-donate/
Questions and answers below:
On Facebook live- Will you see the participate? No- We won't see you but you can comment on us as we work through each demo! You will see Brittany, and myself for these demos.
Zoom Call will follow after the demo's: We would like to see everyone on the zoom call after (which we will see your face)! Please join us for a toast and fun chat! :)
What do I need for the demo's?
Workout demo:
-light weights (this can be 2 cans of beans or soup. Even full wine bottles will work!)
-Water bottle
-Mat is optional, but helpful
Cooking Demo:
What ingredients do I need? :
-1 cup of frozen spinach (OR you can use Fresh spinach, approx. 1/2 to 3/4 bag sauted) This must be drained
-1 clove of garlic, (minced) OR 1 tablespoon of pre-minced garlic
-1 can of artichoke hearts (drained) (approximately 1/2-3/4 cup needed); chopped
-3 tablespoons of sundried tomatoes diced
-1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese (Or you can use Romano cheese)
-5-6 eggs
-1/2 onion, chopped.
-Extra virgin olive oil- Approximately 1-2 tablespoons
-1/4 cup of shredded motz cheese
-Salt and pepper
-(optional) 1/2 teaspoon Ground Ginger
-(optional) 1/2 chopped green onion to top
-(optional) 1/4 cup of coconut milk (or regular milk)
-mini cupcake tin (or normal size should work fine too!)
-oven set: 375 degrees (for 18-20 minutes)
(disclaimer-If you do not have a cupcake tin, no sweat, any small baking pan (3x 9 or smaller will work fine too!)
-(Vegan sub: substitute any of the cheeses out for a vegan based cheese- Cashew or almond base works fine- the flavor will vary depending on your base you choose)
Sign up below through eventbrite (link below):
(Quick link below... Can be accessed from your computer. Otherwise click link above)